

On the 17th of May our old friends from Germany - artists Nina Geling and Ekkahart Bouchon visited our studio with the aim to hold an unusual art event with the group from psychoneurological institution №16. Nina and Ekkahart brought their “variabili”, as they call it.

Nina Geling: what can you see on this picture?

They are abstract pictures cut into pieces of which one can compose dozens of various alternative new pictures.

Sculptor Ekkahart creates his “variabili” from different wood species and uses stones as well. They represent figures of different forms from which one also can make lots of new combinations.

No matter how you slice it – you can’t make a mistake – any turn creates new combination as in kaleidoscope. The group liked this class very much (they even took it for a game!). Moreover, everyone could try him or herself in the role of a sculptor! Thank you to Nina and Ekkahart for such an unforgettable new experience!

Visually impaired Vanya explores the picture by touch.