The statement for ‘DUSHEVNY BAZAR 2012’
The statement of expenses and revenue for the charity fair ‘DUSHEVNY BAZAR 2012’
Our organization has raised 62,300 rubles at the fair. The money was spent on organizing the winter camp on February 19-22 2013, and boarding in the recreation center Sorochyany, a few kilometers from Moscow.
Twenty children from specialized orphanage #4 and seven orphanage graduates went to the camp.
Children were learning to snowboard, to ski and skate; many of them had never tried such sports before.
The winter camp is aimed at high school students who will soon enter into a responsible life. Guys learnt to cook, washed dishes, always helped the adults.
Together we painted a big collective picture, played Alexander Grin’s ‘Scarlet Sails’ and scenes from ‘Hamlet’, played some developmental board games.
We thank all organizers of the fair and all those who donated money and helped to arrange this unforgettable camp for the children.