On the 2nd of August we had an unforgettable walk around the Tverskoy boulevard and nearby lanes with the young people from psychoneurological institution N11. It was a real journey for them!
On the 4th of August our students from the psychoneurological institution N16 attended a multimedia exhibition “Wonders of Russia” at the State Historical Museum
Not so long ago Charitable Foundation Pelican acquired it’s own minibus, which means that more children will now have opportunity to come to our studio and study arts, and, what’s no less important, we be able to do more travelling!
Well, the thirst journey of our graduates on the new bus was a success!
Today our graduates went to the “Station MARS” at the Moscow Planetarium where they were offered to join an exciting quest. They had to transform into scientists, journalists, engineers and medical advisors, whose aim was exploration of Mars. The process appeared to be very emotional, each team tried to promote its project. It was not as easy as everyone thought, but, nevertheless, very funny, interesting and breathtaking!